Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Service Learning Disaster!

Omg! Today was crazy I walk to the school and see fire trucks and the kids were walking in different directions. When I approach the main entrance i get stopped and get confused with a child and the Principle asks what class I am in. In a way I felt very offended. I get confused with an Elementary school student? I would have thought maybe high school at least. Well that was not the point, she then realized I was a volunteer and explained to me that the boilers had exploded and there was gas throughout the whole school. At that point she had told me to go home if I wanted but I had to make my hours and decided to looks for my classroom. When I found them they were freezing cold outside. They had their jackets but they have been outside for a while now. We waited for a long time, and then we finally got back into the classroom. The smell was atrocious and I could not believe that the school was permitting learning in this state.
There were some children that suffered from asthma and were complaining. I was in charge of bringing them to the nurse. When I got there was a line of other student. She had told me to help her contact the parents of the student and ask them if they could pick up their child. Some parents did not pick up so we had to call the emergency contact. I thought this was very unprofessional of them. Many of the teachers say that this had happened before. It was not fair to the teacher nor do the students that things like this have to happen. Things this serious should be checked constantly due to its major affect on the children and staff. One of the teachers told me that the whole school shook and that she was scared for her life and that her kids were freaking out. Thank God that nothing major happened and no one suffered any injuries. Out of the bad of this, I learn that in a school you have to work as a team. Is all about helping each other and trying to achieve one cause and that is to make children safe and happy.
If I were to connect this article to any of the reading in my FNED 346 class it will be the wonderful work of Jonathan Kozol. In his article Still Separate Still Unequal he explains how schools today are unequal because how schools are funded. The school I am is poorly decorated and barely making it welcoming to students. This school does not even have the funds to replace boilers!!! This to me sounds insane and as Kozol quote a child writing him a letter for help "we do not have the things you have. You have Clean things. We do not have. You have a clean bathroom. We do not have that. You have Parks and we do not have Parks. You have all the thing and we do not have all the thing. Can you help us?” Children might not all say this directly but most definitely they feel the same way. Children watch these television shows where they see clean school and filled with different races and very diverted, when in reality it is not like that at all. Kozol explains how children in less privileged schools are not valued and are denied a proper education due to class status. I find this unfair and it must be frustrating for teachers to work with the little tools that are provided to have children excel to their ability. I feel like the children in my school are not being valued because their health was at risk and the school unfortunately cannot afford to fix the boilers and make the school a happier environment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Adriana that is a crazy story! I cannot believe that the students were still inside the building after all of that happened. They must have been so scared. I could not agree with you more comparing this to Kozol, he would have been appalled. They are so lucky that no one was hurt. I am really glad that when they told you to go home you decided to stay. It was probably a great learning experience for you to see that these kids that were in the class and I am sure that you made them feel a lot less scared. You are so right, school is all about teamwork. Your class is a team, the faculty, the students, everyone seems to be a team and need to be able to work together. It sounds like that day there was a lack of teamwork, but you handled it so well. Your connection to Kozol is so true, the schools are not funded fairly and unfortunately most people don't even notice. It is terrible that something like this even happened at a school, where the children should feel safe. School funding is a major problem, it's hard to believe that this school did not even have the funding to replace the boilers. I hope that you do not have anymore experiences like this one at your school , but at least you made it positive and learned from it.
